I suppose we'll start with the downs. At least what I can remember, which is not very much.
1. After too many complaints from neighbors of the noise coming from our apartment during our Thursday night grocery trips, we were forced to find a new home for our Miniature Schnauzer Edith, who was our first baby together. **This has an upside that will present later, in the goods part.**
2. At the very beginning of the year David's mom suffered major injuries from falling on ice at work and is STILL having surgeries to recover. **There is an upside to this too. Balance**
3. David's family's dog Obi went out to the backyard, fell asleep, and never woke up.
4. Someone who was very dear to our family and my grandmother in particular was taken from this earth.
Then there were all of these amazingly good things!
1. David's mama was able to quit smoking because of her stay in the hospital. She had been smoking for over thirty years, as I recall. She has also done a lot to get healthy, including eating mostly plant based food.
2.We went to Portland for our third anniversary, an epic first date without our child who was then just over two. This is when I weaned her as well.
3. David received a promotion at work which has made life a bit more comfortable (ie. not living paycheck to paycheck, being able to splurge on hobby stuff, the ability to throw out old holey sheets, etc.)
4. My dad started working a stable job with growth opportunities for Jackson's convenience stores. He's completed manager training and hopes to get a transfer and management position here in Washington sometime in 2014.
5. My sisters and I all got to see each other for Kitty's 20th birthday, in Idaho.
6. Lorelei became more or less potty trained. Accidents still happen every so often in the form of minor leaks and during the night, but she is a little rockstar!
7. My aunt and uncle opened a small family run business in Nampa, Idaho. This is something a lot of my dad's family always dreamed about.
8. We purchased an espresso machine and started our coffee business on the blogging/education/review side of the coffee industry. Our website Purista Coffee Co has been a really rewarding and fun project for us to do together. We've met the most exceptional people through it and feel great about it's future. In 2014 we plan to start selling our home roasted coffee!
9. Edith was taken in by David's dad who has always loved her and is a lonely long-haul truck driver. They are the best companions for each other we could have hoped for and they take such good care of each other as well. In fact, Edie saved his life one night while CO2 leaked into the cabin of his truck and he slept. The girl usually sleeps quietly through the night, but woke him urgently so that he could get them both out. He said when he woke up he had a horrible headache and felt the worst he ever had. We're so happy that she was there for him.
10. We started home roasting coffee, see #7. ;)
11. David's best friend moved into our apartment building (from Idaho) and started working with David as well.
12. My mom started working her dream job as a labor and delivery nurse at the hospital she works at. Next step midwifery, I hope.
13. David and Lorelei got to see the Pacific Northwest Ballet's Nutcracker for the first time. It was MAGICAL!
14. We got health insurance!!!!!!!! To each their own opinion about the Affordable Care Act, but we couldn't be more happy. No more worries about whether or not we're falling apart. We'll be choosing a naturopath as our primary care provider and are thrilled about our wellness checks. Weird?
15. We found a house! Closing should be any day now and I can't wait to share our homeownership adventures here.
16. Last night we adopted a four month old Ausky (Australian Shephard/Husky mix) as an early birthday and housewarming present. She's a
18. We have made some great plans and goals for 2014. I'll be back soon to share those.
I hope that you all have a great time saying goodbye to 2013 and ringing in 2014. For Auld Lang Syne...