The 6th through the 10th we were in Southwestern Idaho to see family. It was the first time seeing my middle sister since we moved to Washington in February of 2012. Since then she got married and moved to California, so my immediate family now spans 3 states. I can't imagine how that feels for my parents, who only have one kid left at home. In some ways being with both of my sisters at my parent's house felt just like home, but the dynamics have changed. We get along now, we love each other more, we don't have things to fight about, we've added brothers to the mix. Side note: I really like my new brother (who can dish out smack and tease with the best of them) and he makes my sister happy, which makes me happy. I miss the heck out of them! When I look at my youngest sister who is going to be a senior this year I still see her as being Lorelei's age, then being 5-10 and a complete pain in my rear, on purpose. I see my middle sister finding her own identity and ideals, and gaining a sense of independence, and I'm surprised and proud that she's managing (she's the one I thought might live at home much longer *chuckles*).
She just turned 20 a couple days before our visit so the day we went to Boise to treat ourselves we took her with and spoiled her too. We binged on shaved ice and chatted up the owner/operator about the business and costs, he was really cool and answered all of our questions. After that we hung out at David's mom's house for a while and decided we were all tired and needed coffee (the night before we had driven over and then stayed up until 4 am for a total of 23 hours awake and then got up after sleeping 6 hours). We headed to our usual Boise coffee spot Flying M Coffeehouse, but were sidetracked by Guido's Pizzeria that is in the same building. We finally made it to the coffee shop with slices of thin, delicious basil pizza in hand. Guido's is the second best pizza we've eaten, after Ken's in PDX. Somehow, we hadn't finished our food adventures and ended up at Janjou Patisserie where we ate perfect French macaroons, a delightful little plum tart, and ran into one of David's school friends who was the barista there. Our last stop in Boise was Whole Foods, which wasn't there when we moved away so we had to check it out, and buy vegan burgers and cheese for a big barbecue we were having on Sunday. A lot has changed in Boise since we moved away, we miss it a little, aside from the dry heat and lack of foliage and employment.
The next day we lingered around my parent's house and Lorelei played in the yard and sprinkler until we decided to go see my grandma and grandpa. We stayed there pretty late, after having coffee, cheesecake, and pizza and just talking away. My grandma is always so genuinely interested in what we're up to and what our current interests are, so there's lots to talk about. We told her all about our future business plans, which she was tickled with. She told us about her plans to run away with my grandpa to the Oregon coast, which I wholeheartedly hope she does, and soon! Also, Lorelei got to see my grandma's horse Paco for the first time and pet him, I think she was in awe. My grandma sent us off with a stick horse that little miss promptly figured out how to "ride" all on her own.
Sunday we went to breakfast to catch up with David's best friend. It was nice seeing him in such a good place, and so adult. I'm only bummed that we didn't get to meet his girlfriend who I think I would love. David misses him. I think we both miss our best friends because we haven't made any in Washington, they're kind of hard to make because people are disappointing and people have expectations. After we got back we barbecued and had lots LOTS of company and lots of pool time (for Lorelei at least, this mama doesn't put on bathing suits, or shorts for that matter). All of my dad's family came, which included my grandparents, 4 aunts, 1 uncle, and 12 cousins, who are all growing/shrinking/changing like crazy. Abby's boyfriend was also there and I think 3 of Kitty and her Mr's friends. Also, 5 Schnauzers, and a guest appearance by a hilarious Chihuahua. Then to my surprise and delight my best friend and her two littles (who I expected) and also her parents and younger brother. When we were in high school her family was like my second family and I love them so I was so happy to see all of them! We had fun reminiscing about our shenanigans (we were um, weird, and we thought hilarious). David may have messed with Cera's dad about how because we were vegan we were part of some weird cult/religion. It was priceless. I'm so glad that even if we live 600 miles away we can still make new memories as adult friends with our own children.
Below are a lot of the photos that David took. These are just of a few scenes from the trip, as there was so much going on that we wanted to enjoy rather than be behind a camera all the time. Fortunately these photos serve as a reminder of the other things that went on and weren't captured. It was the best kind of trip, much more pleasant than our last one to Idaho!
All photos courtesy of Photography by David L. Clark.
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