
I No Longer Work In Sales, But...

Instead of haranguing myself, or spending a lot of time sitting at the computer picking my brain and trying to muster the motivation to catch up on 6 (it's been that many *gasp*) BEDM posts, I'm going to let it go. I'll keep up now, but this past week it's been pretty difficult as far as finding time for blogging. My parents drove from Boise last Saturday in order to watch our kidlet while we skipped on over to Portland for our third anniversary. We didn't leave until Monday so we were kept busy spending time with them until then. Then we were in PDX for two days. My parents left Wednesday morning and since then I haven't felt the desire to spend as much time at the computer. Also, Lorelei and I quit nursing, cold turkey, while I was gone, so she's been extra needy the past six days (read: every time I sit down at the computer, or anywhere she wants to snuggle, which I love) so I haven't had much time for writing either. On those lines, aside from being super sore and full of milk, we're handling it VERY well. Lorelei has only asked one or two times, and other than that she's just reiterated what I told her before I left for Portland, "Boodies are broken, all gone." Once she is set on something it's crazy how well she takes to it, like potty training. The girl is going to be a pretty successful in life methinks. :)

Anyways, here's Day 11: Sell yourself in 10 words or less.

  1. Passionate
  2. Objective
  3. Sympathetic
  4. Optimistic
  5. Determined
  6. Abstract
  7. Progressive
  8. Humane
  9. Vivacious
  10. Prudent
Looking at those now it would appear that I'm very future-centric, which I find slightly strange seeing as how I feel very present. Maybe I can be both?!

On another note, Happy Mother's Day weekend to those of you who are mama's and to your own mama's if you aren't one yet!  I've had good coffee, a nice breakfast, good sleep, and now I get a tiny bit of me time to pop in here while I wait for David and Lorelei to get back so we can take a hike. :)

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