
Presently 3.0

Better late than never right?! I am finally ready to get back on the internets after my super relaxing, fun vacation with my hubby. 

Reading: Blogs. When I came back from Portland I had over 100 unread posts in my Bloglovin feed. Maybe I need to do some feed cleaning?

Writing: I have 5 posts for BEDM to catch up on. And my daughter no longer naps, so it may take a couple days! Bear with me!

Listening: Oddly, to Smashing Pumpkins. What can I say I miss my dad, and it's of his musical influence.

Watching: We just finished season 2 of Downton, and now I think we'll slow down on watching much of anything. The weather is beautiful here in Seattle lately so I'm thinking lots of spontaneous park trips and bike rides.

Thinking: About Portland. We had such a good time while we were there and we miss it immensely. I'll be doing a post or two about our activities in the coming week. Also, I can't believe David and I have been married for three years. I don't know how that happened! It feels like just yesterday that we said our vows. Having a kid is like a slingshot through time.

Smelling: The Stumptown Kenya Gaturiri beans we picked up from the Annex in PDX. It's really lovely. Also, it smells super flowery here everywhere. Lily of the Valley, honeysuckle, and I couldn't tell you what else. Is good!

Wishing: That the pain in my chest from cold turkey weaning will go away soon! Maybe that's TMI, but any breastfeeding mom should know that whatever pain or trouble you may have experienced in the beginning probably doesn't compare to this. I didn't realize my supply was still so good until I hadn't nursed in 12 hours, now at more than 48. I might be dying!

Hoping: That Lorelei continues to be okay with the weaning thing, and that her new sleep schedule sticks. She's currently going to bed at about 9:30pm and waking at 9:30am. 12 hours of sleep seems to serve her well, and while she isn't napping anymore, I'm getting that extra hour or two in the morning of me time.

Loving: The weather, duh! Seattle had the highest recorded temp in the nation on Monday, followed by New Mexico, respectively 86º and 85º. Though, when it gets any warmer I might complain...

Wanting: To grill. All. The. Time. We've grilled marinated tofu, zucchini  artichokes, squash, tofu dogs, and sandwiches so far and I think we'd all be happy to eat grilled food every day.

Needing: Maybe a little motivation, a little more words, and a little more time before Lorelei wakes up.

Feeling: Content.

Clicking: Just blogs so far. I've been away from social media since last Sunday!

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