
I'm Here...

Before writing up this post, that is completely random and therefore me, I should really (or I want to) make some sort of about page, or the like.  But I won't be doing that for a while most likely (I am not so savvy at coding or graphic modification, etc.).  If I wait to start blogging until this and that are perfect and just how I want them, I will NEVER start.  That simply will not do.  I've been, wanting, waiting, and procrastinating for too long!  Since I discovered my first blog Sometimes Sweet around March 2011, I have continued to fall in love with all sorts of inspiring blogs written by lovely ladies (She Breathes DeeplyMy Little LovesViolet BellaA Beautiful MessSkunkboy CreaturesBubby and Bean, etc.).  I have come up with countless excuses as to why I haven't joined the blogosphere yet.  Most of them had to do with a lack of confidence, then feelings of lacking ability, or worrying that I didn't have anything worthwhile to write about.  Anyways, monumental shifts in my life as of late (more on that to come) have driven me to where I want to be, a stay at home mom, loving the place I live, finding and thinking up neat things to blog about, and writing a blog for the right reasons.

My ideas of the right reasons to write a blog were totally off before.  I wanted my blog to impress people. I wanted it to have killer statistics for views and shares.  I wanted to change who I was to seem cool on the internet.  Before posting anything of substance or that was any fun I wanted it to look PERFECT.  I am a bit critical of myself sometimes.  Sooo...I gave up on writing or ever having the blog I dreamed of.  

Just when I thought I was never going to do it big things happened that made me want to even more.  I suppose I needed something to happen to make me say, "Hey, this is going to be a super exciting time to start documenting your once pathetic life."  By pathetic I mean: My little family was living with my husband's less than lovable family, I was working making barely enough money for us to pay our bills with, my husband was staying home with the little one (who is breastfed and a super mama's girl), we could never find things to do in the area where we lived (Boise, ID), and we were sinking into a depression.  Then my husband got a job.  A job near Seattle, where we vacationed the summer we met and fell in love.  A job that got us a beautiful, brand-spanking new apartment!  Most importantly a job that gave me some hope and a new, sunnier outlook.  

Now I'm here.  I'm starting my blog that will serve as an outlet for me to document and share this new adventure I'm on!  Hopefully it will be filled with inspiring things, stories, music, recipes, fun ideas, and lots of happy stuff. 

In case you were wondering about me, or the blog name:

I am...

Molly Mae, a 22 year old wife and mommy to one little girl.  Proud owner of one calico cat and one rotten miniature schnauzer.  Coffee consuming, music loving, foodie, diy-er, brand whore.

My blog...
MaeLiveFree is the documentation of my life, my freedom to be me, and my creative outlet. The name comes in part from my newfound freedom to live the life I've been dreaming of, and a favorite quote/scripture that I couldn't agree with more (and find applicable in oh, so many situations): "Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." -Jesus, John 8:32

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