
It's Too Late To 'Pologize...But...

Day 13: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny, serious, or creative as you want.

Before I make some sort of apology I have to make some confessions. You see, I'm one of those "bad vegans" or "forgetful vegans," the ones that real vegans think are a joke and say have no right to call themselves vegans. They are right to feel that way! I may need to re-watch Earthlings every week to keep myself in line because my love of food, and my ability to eat without thought and consideration is a bit out of hand...

We decided to become vegan in September of last year, after 6 months of being vegetarian. We were vegetarian for economic purposes, and because I'm not particularly fond of meat anyways. I had entertained the thought of going vegan around the time we went vegetarian, but at that time David was resistant. When it actually came up again that maybe we should try it out it was his idea, and I was hesitant (things like butter, and cheese, and eggs in baked goods seemed like necessities in my head). Then we watched Earthlings and boom! I was horrified, David was horrified, and we didn't want to contribute to the violence, mistreatment, and superiority humans were inflicting on animals that are raised and slaughtered to feed our gluttonous race. As we delved into information about where to find key nutrients we would have a harder time getting, and finding recipes and substitutes for yummy stuff we loved that was non-vegan, I found that an all plant based diet would prevent combat the diabetes that I'm genetically predisposed to. That was a huge selling point for me in going vegan.

Now we're going to fast-forward through several glitches and cheesy pizza runs to last week when we went to Portland. While we very well could have been completely satisfied with one of the best vegan food scenes in the country we decided that vegetarian would be "good enough." So we ate basically whatever we fancied while we were there (minus meat). The only vegan things consumed were coffee and Red Bull. And then, in the Alberta neighborhood we sashayed past a japanese bistro, you know, sushi. Sushi was hands down always our favorite non-vegan food, also our first date, first dating anniversary date, first marriage anniversary date. Most of our dates ever actually. So it was sentimental, and the prices were insane(ly good), and we ate it. We ate the fish. While we were eating our way through Portland I never really felt guilty or unhealthy. The worst part of it all is that now I want to just eat whatever I feel like, like ice cream...because Salt & Straw.

I'm apologizing now to the real vegans who are strong and passionate. And to the animals who had to suffer in order for me to be a crappy human. I also apologize to my readers for being led to think that I had some awesome self control and that I don't miss sushi and cheese, and for the amount of pictures of non-vegan food you will see in the next few days of my posting from our naughty foodcation. Oh, and I apologize to my body for putting 5 pounds back on it in my discrepancies. I feel like I need to apologize and hold myself accountable so that I can get back on track. Dun dun duh...

Anybody else have any food problems? Apologies?

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