
Long Story Short

Day 12: What do you miss (a person, a thing, a place, a time in your life)?

To keep this short and sweet (hmm, ironic), I miss having short hair! I've been growing it out for over three and a half years now with only one or two trims in that time and it's so hard  impossible for me to love my long hair. I love it on other people, but on me I feel it makes my face look huge and I don't have much patience for it. By midday it's worked itself into borderline dreadlocks. Then there's my inability to do anything with it, or my lack of desire to.

I've been a bob girl off and on my whole life and every time my thick, heavy hair gets to about the length it is now I want to chop it off again. This time I'm growing it out for my hubby, but then at times he'll comment on how cute my short hair was when we got married...He slays me. Maybe we just both miss the cute, skinny, carefree, girl version of me.

Here are some short do's on Pinterest that have me swooning and sighing.

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